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Retreat into Him - A Self-guided Spiritual Journey

Peggy Patrick Medberry

deep blue cave with a shaft of light

Sometimes, it is important to come apart from the the crowd, from the busyness of life and get back to your faith. Jesus knew this. Many times he would go off by Himself to be filled by the love of His Father. It is with that in mind that I created a little mini spiritual retreat for those of you who need to get back in touch with your faith. My little ebook Retreat into Him has exercises, suggestions and journal pages to accompany you as you rediscover your First Love.

The guide is completely free for signing up for my email list.

I want to encourage you to take some time for yourself this weekend. You don't even need to leave your house if you don't want to. A cup of tea and a warm place by the fire will work just as well. Or if the weather is nice take your journal to the park and experience the beauty of the Lord in nature. The hustle and bustle of your life will still be around when you when you return, but the peace and love you feel will be dramatically increased.

To receive your free ebook simply sign up for my email list on this page and you are on your way to spiritual renewal!

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Sign up today and enjoy your weekend with the Lord!

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