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Writer's picturePeggy Medberry

Be at Peace - How to Find it in a Noisy World

Finding Peace in a Noisy World

Peace.    We all need it. But how to get it? There are days when everything is rushed - when dog's water bowl tips over just as I am about to run out the door, or worse, the dog gets out and I am running down the block after him.  Then there are days that start well enough for me but everyone else is in a sour mood. There's no milk in the fridge. Homework is missing. They left their sweater at school. I know when those days happen, I have to take a very deep breath and not be drawn into the drama. I have this habit. I pray every morning. Every. Morning. And I do it before I do anything else. I try to get up before everyone else and on good days, I go out to the garden and sit there with my coffee and collect my thoughts and pray. I breathe deeply and ask the Lord to be with me, to give me His strength. And I thank Him for what I do have. My pesky dog that likes to bolt out the door. My sleepy granddaughter that needs extra time in the morning. I thank Him for my family and my life.  I breathe in peace and breathe out hurry and worry.

Peace is a decision.

Peace is a decision.

On days when I can't get out to my prayer garden, then I pray in the car as I'm driving to work or an appointment.  I put on favorite music and allow it to sweep through me.  What I have learned, is all the chattering noise of life CAN WAIT for a few minutes as I spend time with the Lord. But I have to decide to do this. I can choose to let all the confusion send me off in a thousand directions, or I can take a few minutes to be calm and ask for my thoughts to be guided by the Lord. It takes practice. But if you will make a decision that peace is important to you, you will find it. Eventually, you will find it has become a habit. Morning time with God is not wasted time. For me, if I miss my prayer time, everything gets off on the wrong foot and I end up wasting an entire day in fruitless dashing around. By spending time with God, you will discover that your day isn't as daunting as you thought it would be. He puts things into perspective. As you listen to Him, you will be given insights and ideas to address whatever is in front of you. He is bigger than any problem you are facing. And when you spend time with Him you will find that He has overcome the world.  

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