Finding love. The one thing we humans all need. Love. We need it from birth. We need to know that someone loves us and we want someone we can love. Poets write about it, artists sculpt it. Painters paint it. And yet, it is such an elusive thing -- this love business. Valentine candy, flowers, jewelry are all lovely things, but it's the emotional, spiritual, un-quantifiable feeling behind the three-dimensional expressions that really matters.
Finding love wasn't something that I did. It found me.
Of course, we live in a three-dimensional reality and so we like things that we can see and touch and feel and smell. But love transcends those things. I burst into tears when I first saw the heart beat of my granddaughter on a sonogram. Love announced itself on the monitor. And then again when they wheeled her out of the delivery room, all squishy and pink, my heart did flip-flops. When my daughters were born - the soaring sense of mystery of life. When I saw the sun rise over the Grand Canyon, I felt an illuminating connectedness to the Universe. To God. Love, strong, fierce, overwhelming came and inhabited me on each occasion. Finding love wasn't something that I did. It found me.
And it is God who is the author of Love. It is God who first loved us, that gives us the ability to love. When we find ourselves needing to be loved we might try seeking God. I find going out in nature and experiencing His beauty works really well. A sunset can fill me better than chocolate.
Finding love is about finding who God wants to be for you.
He loves us. He is not an impersonal God. He is a specific, I-know-you-and-love-you-anyway God. It may take being quiet and listening to perceive what He wants to say to us. But if you are persistent, you will find Him. It may be in the laugh of your child, or the snuggle of your cat or the wagging smile of your dog. You may find love in the rush of emotion from a perfectly performed song. Finding love shouldn't be just limited to date night or a mushy movie. Finding love is about finding who God wants to be for you. Every moment. Every day.
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